Lars Vandenbergh's CubeZone

Speedcubing taken one step further


A PHP script for generating static 3D views of the 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube

ImageRevenge is a PHP script I wrote for generating static images of the 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube. It can be used for building websites explaining methods or for illustrating certain move sequences. It is inspired by ImageCube, which serves the same purpose for the 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube. The main advantages of it are that:


Example 1: Illustrating the centres first system
Scrambled cube Centres solved Edge pairs solved 3x3x3 step solved
Scrambled cube Centres solved Edge pairs solved 3x3x3 step solved

Example 2: Various sizes
50x50 pixels 75x75 pixels 100x100 pixels 150x150 pixels 200x200 pixels
50x50 pixels 75x75 pixels 100x100 pixels 150x150 pixels 200x200 pixels

Example 3: Ignoring parts of the cube
Only showing centres Ignoring corners Only showing corners
Only showing centres Ignoring corners Only showing corners

How to use it

The images above are all generated by imagerevenge.php. This script accepts two input paramters:

So to generate a cube with the centres solved, like the one shown above, one could use:

<img src="">

For more examples you can check out the source code of this HTML page. You can also use this direct link to the ImageRevenge script and play around with the parameters to see what effect it has.

Source code